
Taking your job seriously...

Today I got a response from a position that I have been in the running for after months and months of being part of a process. Funny enough this is after a phone call with the administrator of the process last week, where she had no information at all for me about anything really. Then today I got a package resembling the oxford dictionary with a contract, tax forms, etc. Still puzzled I realized that she simply wanted to complete one of her to-do lists and mark me off of her list and send out half a tree and leave the final decision in my hands. If she had actually listened to me when I called she could have saved some poor cleric from sending me a whole pkg by way of purolator. It's still a recession isn't it? Just checking.

This is just me venting, but if some people checked their job descriptions I'm sure time management is in there somewhere...

So for all of you out there job hunting, and especially if you are doing the hiring please just listen when people take time out of their pre-scheduled breaks to call you...it might just make your job easier!

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