
Obama on Nowruz...

"The children of Adam are limbs to each other, having been created of one essence." quoted the new President of the United States...during his speech on Nowruz.

Each time I hear of another action of this presidency I am excited by the fact that there is finally a government who sounds like they are capable of a conversation with the world in this century. By this I mean that Obama's white house is not writing speeches from another century or by means of some exclusionist platform.

It has dawned a new day where Americans can see that their leader actually acknowledges the fact that there exists a world outside of this continent. First the Al-Jazeera telecast, then this, then shutdown of Guantanamo, it all shows that finally we can expect there to be a voice in government that realizes that exclusionist policies are not going to garner us in the West anymore protection from terrorism or nuclear threat. There must be a broader security policy for the U.S. to become a country which is not under direct threat from any party whether it be real or imagined. Bush policy has garnered a lot of disrespect from the international community and it is not till we see a shift in the management of political identity as a whole that any security measures will be taken seriously by others in the world.

While a message on Nowruz might be seen by some as a direct marketing tactic of the change movement of the new white house, I have to admit that I see it as an opening of the eyes in a world where for so many years the U.S. government had squeezed its eyes shut and was proclaiming the Islamic world as a whole its enemy whereas there are many countries under the umbrella of Islam.

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