
Nineteen Eighty Four...1984.

George Orwell's novel about the future is profound. Having read it, the world is put into its place and you subsequently see every action in your life in a different way.

So you wonder why Im bringing up a book I read years ago? Because funny enough sitting in my cubicle on Friday, someone said to me, "Hey you work for the government, is it like Big Brother is everywhere?" Ha...I thought the same thing when they asked me information about myself as if they didnt have everything already.

So after all these years I've somehow become Winston Smith...I am for 37.5 hours generating enough information for the public that I never thought I would even comprehend before today. Whether or not I believe some of it, I am commiting "THOUGHCRIME" all the time when I speak to some people hehe, but overall I dont think ill be sentenced to death but who knows what kind of file they are building on us little workers...

So how many of us on a daily basis, understand what it truly means to live in this society where we arent allowed to do alot of things without handing over i.d. or a membership card, we have to identify us everywhere, you cant buy a stick of gum without being asked for a points card! The point of a points card is for us to gain something like a bottle of water after years of coming to the same establishment or maybe a coupon for a free something or other, but in reality its so our shopping habits can be tracked by large marketing companies and they can figure out which telemarketer should call us tonight...

So while we live in the free world, have you though about how many of us are free? Every dollar you make is tracked, nothing is really operated by cash, every dollar is accounted for by some bank somewhere, and you may not be buying rrsps, or participating in the economy other than cashing your paycheque, but we all know you got a shoppers optimum card...

We dont know Winston's outcome in the book but I dont think he was executed, I think he was made to work as a greeter at Walmart, or sell credit card insurance, or maybe hes a falafel vendor with a daily and regular price that is exactly same!

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