
Consider being single forever...

Today I came upon a suggestion that if we are to sustain the world we have got to stop procreating, because we are getting closer and closer to using up all of our natural resources. I mean they say that to be green these days is to do more than recycle.

Through personal experience I do wonder what it is that makes us want to create more people when we can barely take care of ourselves? I mean do you really have the resources to take another life in your hands? Not just theoretically buy literally in 9 months?

Its amazing that some have made that decision. It is truly more than a green decision, its a life changing one.

You may wonder why I'm talking about this today, its not because I'm looking to get pregnant, its because it seems like everyone around me is pregnant or having a baby. I'm still trying to manage my cats, this isn't funny, this is true!

Another reason I'm thinking about this is because my family drama continues and with the amount of siblings in my extended family I get tired of trying to keep up with the alliances and who got voted off the island this week. Most of the arguments are petty and therefore logically the people themselves act childish and most often are deriving arguments from things that happened before I was even conceived. They make me realize how necessary sanity is when it comes to family. Either its natural or you need medication to realize that there comes a point in time, usually when you already have children and grandchildren, that you must put aside something that happened in the backyard thirty or fourty years ago...

So saying that I'd like to apologize to my youngest sister for always excluding her from our games and usually beating her up for things I don't even remember her doing anymore (yes i was a child abusing a child, this was called play when I was growing up) and to my other sister for probably making her way too quiet because I was always telling her my opinion on everything and anything. I hope that when we get older we won't be bickering about that shirt I still have somewhere or about something else trivial.

One thing I recently came to mind while reading Wuthering Heights is that as much as genes are important in a family some ties need to be broken, and then some. It can sometimes be fatal to ignore the fact that some relationships are never going to be the way you want. Acceptance is hard, but years and years of anger is harder to cope with.

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