
Work out your own salvation, Do not depend on others.

The world seems racked with the necessity to rely on others for our own happiness and in a greater part for what is to become of ourselves once this life is over. Eternal damnation or heaven or other versions of an afterlife are all brought together on religious holidays where we stumble upon our sudden realizations that we are a people of religion and ritual not merely atheists or defunct of religious obligations. As this long weekends comes about many are religiously attending gatherings and taking part in rituals without a thought as to what they are celebrating or why.

Living in a society with such a multitude or religions its not hard to fathom why the Easter bunny and Lindt are easier to associate with the holiday than the crucifixion of Christ. There are many people, I daresay many Christians who are vague on the story of this religious holiday or the many rituals that come with it. Its an amazing story that is a large element of Christianity, however there are many people out their who also deny the existence of this event like any religious story. Being Muslim I never really understood many rituals and just recently picked up on the sequence of events properly, its really something to google if you aren't following the religious designations of this weekend.

I am drawn to this holiday because it is something that has been plaguing me for awhile, the idea of salvation. I was taught and thus understand salvation as being very personal and not in any way connected to the actions of another person, I am of the belief that my actions will determine my eternal place rather than my belief in another being allowing for that determination. While faith is truly important to me, I don't believe that religious action will ultimately be judged in terms of hours or acts, the truth of your faith lies in the sanctity of your character. If salvation were as easy as attestation of faith, wouldn't we all be guaranteed a place?

As we stumble through this life as a Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist isn't it interesting that we are able to exist in this country without knowing the symbols and rituals of each other? I shake my head al ot when people talk of religion because many don't understand nor seek to understand the many ties we all have. For example how Jesus was Jewish at the last supper and that Christianity was not something born in and of itself. That Muslims trace their roots from Abraham albeit under the name Ibrahim, just as Jewish people do. The connections are vast, and we cannot deny that with the intermingling of our cultures and religions we are bound to start a new religious trend, being open minded.

The belief in one true god, is the notion that binds many religions together regardless of our outer rituals and doctrines. I have the hope that we can all truly have faith in the sanctity of everyone else's character and actions, maybe that in the end will be this generations salvation.

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