
Branches of One Tree
The great religions are like branches
Of one spreading tree:
It is alone in its growth,
Although it has birthed many shoots.
And is it ever possible that branches
Would suddenly, in anger, hit each other?
Religions are the same as branches,
That grew from one big tree.
And these, Shri Mataji’s words, not without reason
All men with thankfulness accept.
It’s time to understand
That we are brothers,
Beyond the races, nationalities, and faiths,
And independent of our skin colors.
Because like branches
Just one root we have!
The Lord is one
Though there are many paths,That lead to Him -
The goal is always one:
The mountain peak that pierces clouds.
The goal of life is union with God.
Let’s not forgetWhose Image and Likeness we carry,
And we will understand to where we aspire.
Vladimir Mikhanovsky
Source: Mikhanovsky, Vladimir. Hope Faith Love: The Road to God. Pune,
India: Nirmal Transformation, 2007

On this Easter Sunday let us not forget that regardless of religion we are all connected somehow someway. We can all trace our roots to one spot, creation. We are all embedded in each others lives and seek not to distance ourselves from others simply because of their actions because to do so is to distance yourself from yourself.

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