

Tragedy strikes all the time, all over the world, some of it man made others an act of God but few seek to notice it unless its on every channel.

The strength of our humanity sits on a precipice and its clarity is situated somewhere in the distance on CNN.

The tragedy is something that could not be avoided but the plight of the people there is something that could be solved in the few moments it takes to transfer funds internationally.

It might be a fantasy to think that there is the ability to change things so drastically in terms of economics, the status of money etc. but I truly believe that most of the world's problems could be solved immediately if we wanted them to be or at least if those that hold the reigns of power wanted them to be.

The billions of dollars floating around in entertainment could change the face of poverty. The profits from parking tickets alone across the world in my opinion could eradicate poverty.

Things can be done, but they wont be because the process of the world depends on rich and poor, if just the middle class existed what would we aspire to be or not to be.

The idea of changing the world has spun this world for centuries, but one Haiti at a time they get a chance to show that they are doing "good" but in a few months Haiti will be another catastrophe that will be shelved as a cause too hard for those outside of their nation. There will be the slow regroup of aid and the workers will go back home and the world will turn from Haiti because something else will take over the screens across the first world. The idea that we are helping is extreme, when we here in the first world are the cause of their previous poverty, maybe not literally but certainly in our inability to actually be of aid before this disaster. That is our disaster. Our inability to help before this stage, because ultimately if they were not so impoverished in the first place there would be less of a disaster.

I sat around a table and someone asked, "Why them, why now?", a short answer in the background was, "Because if it was us, who would help us?" That is food for thought.

Whatever you take from this, I hope you don't see my comments as something negative for Haiti. I have the utmost faith in the people of Haiti, they will rebuild, they will strive to do what they have been doing for decades, surviving, with little help from those across the world who have labelled them the second poorest country in the world.

The donations that are pouring in, mine included I hope will help set up the ability for the nation to get back on its feet, it deserves more than these aid dollars, it deserves much more.

A chance for their people to build their livelihoods and feed their children, and regain their natural tenacity for life.

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