
Mortality vs. Immortality

The slight of hand that takes a life,
The slight of mind that takes a life,
The sight of God that will reunite,
Cannot at end make it right.

The chances of violence occurring is more than slight, as this world is filled with a will to show how much we can destroy, not in war, but in our small part of reality, right in your backyard. Every day the stream of "news" is filled with murder, anguish and despair while we all tune in to it...so many of the headlines seem surreal but they are our reality. This is what our children have to look forward to, as this is what we are now living.

I got a text that told me something that I hadn't heard, that I hadn't tuned in to, and seeing as I now read the paper at my desk each morning and tear apart the CBC website everyday due to remote Internet access at work I was surprised that I hadn't heard about this. It might be my reluctance to watch the daily news where usually the snippets of everyday city life are torn apart for our viewing pleasure. I used to sit and watch and not know the anguish behind it all, but now I do, and I watch with half a mind on the people who have to sit through that also, to whom the news is life, where it cannot be switched off.

So to hear that another life had been taken within the community brings back too many memories that are still fresh and probably will always be, because how do you turn that part off, the reality of loss. It sneaks up every day, because to lose people through tragedy is never easy, nor is it something that you can lay to rest. It just sits their on the periphery of our conscience and doesn't take vacations.

So I sat yesterday and I texted back and forth and wondered aloud why? Why again? Why now? Why to them? ... The answer ultimately is why not? What have we done in this community to foster anti-violence? To foster healthy mental health? To foster a sense of community that is built on sense of self, and a preparedness to deal with the anger everyone feels, to see others as a creation as much as we are. I have not seen that, all I have witnessed is decades of anger, retaliation and the preparedness to terrorize ourselves with visions of fighting for a greater good without realizing that we are fostering a sense of war not only on a battlefield. This sense of war has now entered the minds of those who may have never stepped foot on our homeland, who take what they have learnt and started taking lives without any respect for the actual life they are ending.

It is easy, yes easy, to kill someone, but it is far greater to make it right, because ultimately they won't be able to, they can only run from the law, ultimately though they won't be able to run from the real law, the one that is going to force them to face what they have done. This is not going to come to pass for a long time, and in that time we will see the faces of many more that we will lay to rest but again what are we doing to make it right? The many obstacles that face us now cannot be brought down by education, wealth, or health, because here we have all of those things and a country where we are all equal, but we still allow people to perish.

The root cause of this violence is in each of us, it is in the stories we hear of our own families, our own histories, our own loss, but we alone can make this change. The next time you stand in a crowd where this idea of violence is brought up, because we know we have all heard it, take a stand for a moment in time and say, "What do we gain from this? What are we doing? Is this going to end with a loss of life?" Do not be scared to ask your fellow man these questions, because otherwise you will ask them, "How did this happen? How did they die?"

Use your voice to ask rather than be told.

Love never fades, it does not allow mortality, it will always keep us immortal.

~ Cosmopolitan

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