
I am not...

I am not an Athenian or a Greek but a citizen of the world. ~ Socrates.

I am not one thing or another, I am not only one person but of a people, I am not here nor there but if needed I can be anywhere.

In life it is easy to subject others to your views, to your wants, to your ideas but it is undeniably hard to subject yourself to theirs.

In a world so large and unyielding its hard to see that your own kin would be harder to understand than strangers but that is mostly true.

I started this blog on the assumption that those who read it would understand a bit more about me, or at least would come to know a bit of what and how I think.

See what is most important to me has never been to fit in but to understand why I do not fit in.

In times of war and anguish the object of the game seems to fit neatly into a category so that everyone can make assumptions about your cause but that cannot be true in a time where most people are not homogeneous, are not one thing or another but a mixture of the world. Being static is no longer an option. Movement is key both in mind and body.

I am opposed to alot of things and stances but I am most opposed to one of closed mindedness. I have always wanted a few things clarified about myself that I will note today,

I am parts of many communities but have never been obliged to join any because DNA should be the only prerequisite, not your stance on any issue or ritual because ultimately the basis of ethnicity and nationality are determined at conception and not birth. I do not choose who I belong to, it was chosen for me, and ultimately the only person I want to own me is eternally unavailable for clarification until Judgement Day.

These past weeks have shown me that for alot of people contribution to community and family is something that they note through money, time and exclusivity rather than feeling, birth and love. That is to me quite unsettling because regardless of any of those things, belonging is not something that I would choose on a tally system. Denial of someones birthright does not come at a convenience to anyone, it does not come because of a difference of opinion and it certainly does not come from the removal of association for a few years.

My race, my religion, my multiple ethnicity's may not be normal to you but it is my reality and before you comment on anyone's sense of community educate yourself on their background, you may find more than your looking for.

Remembrance of a person can come from a fleeting moment, to a second, from a minute and certainly from a lifetime of moments.

A few untruths can never break a bond that was cemented at birth, but it can certainly cloud your judgement of a person.

Remember to find out why a person is unlike you before you cast them aside.

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