
Turmoil, Angst, and Sadness

The world today is showing signs of a great depression, but it is not just about money. It is about our loss of alot more than currency, we are standing at a fork in the road of our great history as a people.

The turmoil of the current state of affairs across the world has become so dire, that every time I log into the news websites, another part of the world is going through some crisis. Nations are killing their own people, nuclear war is being thrown around as a future event rather than just an idea and above all we are at a loss as to how to deal with any of it.

We as a people have lost complete control of the situation, noone even has the ability to stop the mechanics of what is happening across the world right now, all we have the capability of doing is logging on, and that is scary.

Loss of choice, loss of control on world issues because we are at the crossroads of our generation but we cannot do anything, we are simply observing what is happening.

Case in point is the death of Michael Jackson, he died at age 50 with a large impact on the world but what are we watching on CNN, how much his life was impacted by drugs, finanical and legal concerns...gone are the days of mourning, we now cyber stalk people until finally we can only youtube their progress to the next world. So many people heard the impact of his passing, but how many of us sat down and realized that as of now we have one less musician, entertainer and soul left on this planet. People at this time are more concerned with his lifes unevents than his impact on music. Music is the reason we know the name Michael Jackson, if he was not an entertainer would we care about his bottom line, his children's custody, his medical history? The answer is NO, but we are no longer compassionate people, we are digital mourners.

That saddens me, it shows how little we have left in the world that is real, so please take a moment, listen to his music, read an article and think to yourself, how do I fit into this? who am I? and in the larger scheme of things...how can I have less turmoil, less angst, less sadness in my own life?

Peace and blessings.

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