
Just a thought...

There are some relationships that you cannot part from because you are fused with that person forever. Sometimes you see a couple and they seem to be at a crossroads, not meant for each other but still they walk through life, maybe your own parents are that way. But one day, that person is you and you then understand why. Why you go through the motions, why you see them through life, why you put dinner on the table, why you care. Because whatever they do, you would rather take care of them than abandon them. That this is what it is to love unconditionally, this is what it means to love despite situations, despite life's roadblocks, despite even their own actions. Sometimes to love someone is to test yourself, what does unconditional mean to you? So much of life is now based on conditions, but if you repeat the same things with different people is that being true to yourself or not trying hard enough?

The chase for the perfect relationship is elusive at best, at the end of the day we are left only with the emotions we feel and sometimes they aren't the most comforting. A lot of times the only people who understand a relationship are barely conscious of what is happening, sometimes they are over critical of it as well. Ultimately the chance of a lifetime can turn sour or at best be seen as mundane.

So what is it that keeps a relationship going? What allows a person to sit through something day after day, night after night? Is it love? Is it duty? Is it just plain fear?

The answers are not always easy. They are not often even available but I can only tell you one thing. I spent my whole life hearing the words, "I am going to runaway..." This is in a time way before Kanye West, but the ties are still comical. I spent a lot of time in my own personal relationship wondering "Why?"...

"Why not?" Just because life gets harder, because change happens, because a thousand things may occur, among them life's largest issues, money, infidelity, personal loss, and just a lack of time, this doesn't mean that love goes away. It doesn't mean that love fades into the distance and you get left with the easier choices of separation, divorce, and a division of property, it means that if you are a person who is true to her or himself you are left only with love.

With the unconditional love that started it all, because truthfully you wouldn't be in a place to doubt something unless you wholeheartedly believed in it in the first place. So for all of those out there who dream of love, don't let it go because of society's condition that everything has to be perfect. Nothing is, certainly not me or you.

Love unconditionally, you may surprise yourself, it lurks in the unlikeliest places.

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