
Hard conversations...necessary conversations.

There is such a thing as reality, we all know that. However every person’s reality is different. The challenges we face and the situations we find ourselves in are always going to be varied but in the end what brings us together is our feelings…

There are a lot of times that you find yourself thinking that you know that you shouldn't react to what someone is saying but you still do. It’s hard to forgo your feelings, it’s not easy to not react but last night I realized that the healthiest way to deal with something is to speak up. To let that person know what you are feeling and most importantly what you do not want to feel anymore. There must come a time where you are strong enough to show someone who is most important to you, and in terms of emotional well being it must always be you.

Without the ability to be true to your inner feelings at the end of the day you are incapable of accomplishing anything. It doesn’t matter how upbeat you are, how you breeze through to do lists or how many hours of work you complete, or how clean your house is, if there are unspoken words in your house it will never feel like a home and you will not be…you.

These conversations are hard to have especially with someone who may not want to hear what you are saying but at the end of the day its necessary for it to occur. If you can’t have that conversation it might be time to let go and move on…

'Tis the Season...

It’s the season of giving and receiving and I can't get over everyones exhausting need for commercialism...

During a season that should be about warm wishes and joyous beginnings you are surrounded by the vast need to buy, buy, buy...without thought or happiness just for the sake of finishing your list. I stood in a large retail store yesterday and there were people walking around in a daze in the toy department and all I could think was…what if we put all this energy and time into something focused on really giving something to your children, your husband/wife, and your family.

What if for every minute you spend in the mall, you make some time for those who mean the most to you. Take them for a walk, for lunch, for dinner or take them somewhere that they want to go.

The season is really not about what you exchange because lets face it, everything you get you could just buy for yourself. The only people I propose to buy something for this season is those I know under the age of 10 because really Santa is not able to service anyone over that age anyways, otherwise the North Pole and the Elves would be all under WSIB claims.

So I urge you, get together with those you love and buy them a hot chocolate and have a conversation with them, its those moments that you are unable to buy in any department store.

Happy Holidays…